About Posada Life and Connect


The Beginning

The Connect platform, initially funded through a generous grant from the Freeport – McMoRan Community Investment Foundation, and the support of Posada Life, a not-for-profit Living Well community, was born out of numerous community interactions and feedback from residents living in Green Valley Arizona. Green Valley Arizona, a retirement destination community, located in Southern Arizona, is home to nearly 33,000 mostly retired, residents.  Over the period of several years, Posada Life gathered information from community residents and stakeholders regarding how residents located and learned about adult community support services in the Valley. While many forms existed for residents to find services, it became clear that a convenient and electronic format was desired. Connect Green Valley, an interactive App and website, was born out of these findings.

Posada Life set out to create a portable and convenient “one stop” for locating and exploring adult community services in Green Valley and our surrounding area. We worked with community residents, agencies and stakeholders to design an application that was user friendly, effective and worked within multiple devices. Once Connect Green Valley was successfully launched, other agencies and providers began asking if they could use the Connect framework for their own organizations and client base. It was decided to design and market the Connect framework, www.Connect.posadalife.org for others who may desire a modern and effective solution for communicating with their customer base. The Connect framework allows an organization to easily create and launch their specific app and website, using a simple and cost effective solution. All proceeds from the licensing of the Connect framework are used to support Posada Life’s Mission, Vision and community programming.